Monday 21 August 2017



A newer generation of artificial biological dermal substitute that is gaining wider acceptance for use in the clinics recently is MatriDerm®. Made up of bovine collagen and an elastin hydrolysate, this product is touted for use in a single-stage procedure. MatriDerm® was shown to be able to accommodate split thickness skin autograft safely in one step with no compromise in take on burn injuries and it seemed to be feasible for use in critically ill patientsIt was suggested that unlike IntegraTM which has antigenic properties due to the presence of chondroitin-6-sulfate, the combination of collagen and elastin in MatriDerm® can promote vascularization quicker through the support of in-growth cells and vessels while improving stability and elasticity of regenerating tissue. Furthermore, higher rate of degradation and difference in neodermal thickness of MatriDerm® compared to IntegraTM  might give the former an extra edge; even though there is still relatively weak scientific evidence on their comparison in the current literature

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