Monday 21 August 2017

Integra® Dermal Regeneration Template Single Layer "Thin"

Being the most widely accepted artificial biological dermal substitute , the use of IntegraTM which is made up of bovine collagen and chondroitin 6-sulfate, has been reported to give good aesthetic and functional outcomes when compared to using split thickness skin autograft alone . However, it is known that infection still remains the most commonly reported complication of IntegraTM . Meticulous wound bed preparation before the use of this template (or similar type of artificial biological materials) has been reported to be critical to ensure good take. Otherwise with the collection of hematomas and seromas beneath the material, the product is susceptible to infection resulting in a costly loss of an expensive tissue-engineered product and manpower time, while increasing the length of hospital stay for the patient.

Integra® Dermal Regeneration Template Single Layer "Thin"

Integra® Dermal Regeneration Template Single Layer "Thin" is the latest extension of Integra's collagen range of dermal repair products. Since the introduction of IDRT in 1996, the brand portfolio has expanded to include single layer, bilayer and flowable versions. This latest addition reinforces the company's proven advanced collagen technology for more than 20 years in a variety of indications, including life-threatening burns, scar revisions and diabetic foot ulcers.

"The European clinical community has been looking forward to the market release of Integra Single Layer Thin, the thinnest dermal substitute available," said Stéphane Corp, vice president of Tissue Technologies in Europe.  "We will now be able to provide plastic and reconstructive surgeons a thinner matrix for dermal repair they can use in a single-stage procedure, while maintaining the same aesthetic and functional benefits of a two-stage procedure, which will ultimately reduce overall hospital stays for patients."

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