Monday 21 August 2017



A newer generation of artificial biological dermal substitute that is gaining wider acceptance for use in the clinics recently is MatriDerm®. Made up of bovine collagen and an elastin hydrolysate, this product is touted for use in a single-stage procedure. MatriDerm® was shown to be able to accommodate split thickness skin autograft safely in one step with no compromise in take on burn injuries and it seemed to be feasible for use in critically ill patientsIt was suggested that unlike IntegraTM which has antigenic properties due to the presence of chondroitin-6-sulfate, the combination of collagen and elastin in MatriDerm® can promote vascularization quicker through the support of in-growth cells and vessels while improving stability and elasticity of regenerating tissue. Furthermore, higher rate of degradation and difference in neodermal thickness of MatriDerm® compared to IntegraTM  might give the former an extra edge; even though there is still relatively weak scientific evidence on their comparison in the current literature

Integra® Dermal Regeneration Template Single Layer "Thin"

Being the most widely accepted artificial biological dermal substitute , the use of IntegraTM which is made up of bovine collagen and chondroitin 6-sulfate, has been reported to give good aesthetic and functional outcomes when compared to using split thickness skin autograft alone . However, it is known that infection still remains the most commonly reported complication of IntegraTM . Meticulous wound bed preparation before the use of this template (or similar type of artificial biological materials) has been reported to be critical to ensure good take. Otherwise with the collection of hematomas and seromas beneath the material, the product is susceptible to infection resulting in a costly loss of an expensive tissue-engineered product and manpower time, while increasing the length of hospital stay for the patient.

Integra® Dermal Regeneration Template Single Layer "Thin"

Integra® Dermal Regeneration Template Single Layer "Thin" is the latest extension of Integra's collagen range of dermal repair products. Since the introduction of IDRT in 1996, the brand portfolio has expanded to include single layer, bilayer and flowable versions. This latest addition reinforces the company's proven advanced collagen technology for more than 20 years in a variety of indications, including life-threatening burns, scar revisions and diabetic foot ulcers.

"The European clinical community has been looking forward to the market release of Integra Single Layer Thin, the thinnest dermal substitute available," said Stéphane Corp, vice president of Tissue Technologies in Europe.  "We will now be able to provide plastic and reconstructive surgeons a thinner matrix for dermal repair they can use in a single-stage procedure, while maintaining the same aesthetic and functional benefits of a two-stage procedure, which will ultimately reduce overall hospital stays for patients."

Birth of skin tissue engineering

Skin tissue engineering rat racing:  A coincidence?

The year 1975 seems to be a special year for skin tissue engineering, even before the term “tissue engineering” was officially adopted more than a decade later by the Washington National Science Foundation bioengineering panel meeting in 1987 [5] and later its definition elucidated further by Langer and Vacanti [6] in 1993. The beginnings of skin tissue engineering can be attributed to the pioneering work of two groups in the United States forty years ago. First, Rheinwald and Green reported the successful serial cultivation of human epidermal keratinocytes in vitro [7] in 1975 and later made possible the expansion of these cells into multiple epithelia suitable for grafting [8] from a small skin biopsy. In today’s term, the work is termed “tissue engineering of the skin epidermis”. Concurrently, Yannas, Burke and colleagues reported their maiden work on the in vitro and in vivo characterization of collagen degradation rate [9] in 1975 which we believe pave the way for the design of artificial biological dermal substitute [10], resulting in the “tissue engineering of the skin dermis”.

Another coincidence?

Interestingly, six years later in 1981, both groups independently reported the clinical use of their respective tissue-engineered substitutes for the treatment of severe and extensive burns, albeit in different approaches. O’Connor et al. reported the world’s first grafting of extensive burns with sheets of cultured epithelium (expanded from autologous epidermal cells) on two adult patients with success at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital [11, 12]. These autologous cultured sheets (Fig. 2) termed cultured epidermal autografts (CEA) were also subsequently demonstrated to provide permanent coverage of extensive full thickness burns in another two paediatric patients [13].

Meanwhile, Burke et al. (a few months after O’Connor et al.’s report) reported the successful use of a physiologically acceptable artificial dermis in the treatment of extensive burn injuries with full thickness component on ten patients [14]. This was followed by a randomized clinical trial for major burns led by Heimbach et al. [15] on the use of this artificial dermis, now known as IntegraTM Dermal Regeneration Template. This successful multi-centre study involving eleven centres and many other studies [16, 17] might have inevitably given this dermal substitute a “gold standard” status for full thickness burns treatment [18].
While ground breaking, the work of the above two groups are still far from reaching the ultimate goal of replacing skin autografts for permanent coverage of deep dermal or full thickness wounds in extensive burns.

Tissue engineering of replacement skin

The holy grail of creating a fully functional tissue-engineered composite skin

As much as it is claimed that tissue-engineered skin is now a reality to treat severe and extensive burns, the fact remains that current skin substitutes available are still fraught with limitations for clinical use. This is clearly evident amongst burns or wound-care physicians that there is currently no single tissue-engineered substitute which can fully replicate the spilt-thickness skin autografts for permanent coverage of deep dermal or full thickness wounds in a one-step procedure. Indeed, clinical practice for severe burn treatments have since evolved to incorporate some of these tissue-engineered skin substitutes.

Sunday 20 August 2017

3D Printing market

Modeling Human Kidney Biology

Nephrotoxicity is of increasing concern in the drug development pipeline and the kidney proximal tubule is the primary site of renal toxicity. Conventional preclinical renal assays, such as in vitro cell culture and animal models, often fail to accurately model the complexity of organ toxicity seen in drug responses due to limited functionality or species-specific variation.
ExVive™ Human Kidney Tissue is a fully human 3D bioprinted tissue comprised of an apical layer of polarized primary renal proximal tubule epithelial cells (RPTECs) supported by a collagen IV-rich tubulointerstitial interface of primary renal fibroblasts and endothelial cells.
Tissues are printed under stringent quality controlled conditions and are designed to model native biology and architecture in a highly reproducible manner for optimal preservation of cellular function and transporter activity. Epithelial cells form tight junctions and maintain stable gamma glutamyl-transferase activity and native renal transporter expression for multiple weeks in culture.
The cellular and architectural structure of ExVive™ Human Kidney Tissue provides an ideal means to study the many phenotypes of nephrotoxicity including tubular transport of xenobiotics, proteins, and ions.
  • Composition and architecture enables the biochemical and histological assessment of human renal toxicity.
  • Tissue-like complexity supports the detection of injury, compensation, and recovery.
  • Physiological expression of transporters models native transport activity.

Transporter-Mediated Toxicity

Cisplatin is a widely used chemotherapeutic that is well characterized as a nephrotoxicant with multiple modes of action. On its path towards excretion, cisplatin is taken up by RPTECs via transporters such as OCT2. Upon accumulation of cisplatin in the epithelial cells, reactive oxygen species and toxic glutathione conjugates are formed resulting in cell damage and subsequent renal toxicity. Cimetidine, an OCT2 inhibitor, can block the accumulation of cisplatin and the ensuing tissue damage.
Cisplatin-mediated nephrotoxicity and its prevention by cimetidine was shown in ExVive™ Human Kidney Tissue.
  • Tissues are treated for 7 days with increasing doses of cisplatin.
  • Dose-dependent decrease in overall tissue viability (Resazurin) and epithelial-specific viability (GGT) is observed.
  • Biomarkers for renal toxicity, Clusterin and NGAL, are detected in response to insult.
  • Inhibition of OCT2 by cimetidine effectively blocks cisplatin-induced toxicity.

NovoView™ Preclinical Safety Testing Services

ExVive™ 3D Bioprinted Kidney Tissues are available through our NovoView™ Preclinical Safety Testing Services that are designed specifically to meet your study requirements. We work closely with you to design an optimal combination of biochemical and histological readouts to assess the physiologically-relevant effects of your compound on human tissues.
At Organovo, we apply state of the art quality control and assurance processes to ensure that our customers can rely on the quality and reproducibility of the data we generate. Our tissue team has years of experience in every step of the bioprinting process, from bioprinting itself to subsequent maintenance, monitoring, and analyses of the ExVive™ Human Kidney Tissues.
Our dedicated team of scientific experts provide comprehensive consultation to determine which parameters best suit your needs.

Clinically-Relevant Answers in Three Simple Steps

Step 1 Study Design
Projects are initiated by in-depth consultation with our toxicology experts to define study design details, including time frame, dosing regimen, and readouts.
Step 2 Tissue Testing
Customer-provided test articles are evaluated on ExVive™ 3D Bioprinted Tissue generated by our tissue experts.
Step 3 Data Evaluation
A comprehensive study report is provided, and reviewed together with Organovo scientists.

Inside L’Oreal’s Plan to 3-D Print Human Skin

L'Oreal makes cosmetics and hair color. It also makes skin. Human skin, created in a lab, so it can test its products without using people or animals. Now it's talking about printing the stuff, using 3-D bioprinters that will spit out dollops of skin into nickel-sized petri dishes.
The idea is to produce skin more quickly and easily using what is essentially an assembly line developed with Organovo, a San Diego bioprinting company. Such a technique would allow the French cosmetics company to do more accurate testing, but it also has medical applications—particularly in burn care.
 Treating severe burns typically involves grafting a healthy patch of skin taken from elsewhere on the body. But large burns present a problem. That has researchers at Wake Forest experimenting with a treatment method that involves applying a small number of healthy skin cells onto the injury and letting them grow organically over the wound. 3-D-bioprinted skin potentially could be produced faster, provided Organovo can successfully replicate the cell structure of human epidermis.

 L’Oreal already has a massive lab in Lyon, France, to produce its patented skin, called Episkin, from incubated skin cells donated by surgery patients. The cells grow in a collagen culture before being exposed to air and UV light to mimic the effects of aging. Organovo pioneered the process of bioprinting human tissues, most notably creating a 3-D-printed liver system. Both parties benefit from the partnership: L’Oreal gets Organovo’s speed and expertise, and Organovo gets funding and access to L’Oreal’s comprehensive knowledge of skin, acquired through many years and over $1 billion in research and development.
 At the moment, L'Oreal uses its epidermis samples to predict as closely as possible how human skin will react to the ingredients in its products. If L'Oreal can more quickly iterate on the molecular composition of its skin samples, it can produce more accurate results, conceivably across different skin phenotypes. That means products like sunscreen and age-defying serums—which inevitably will yield varying results across varying skin types—can be tweaked for greater efficacy.L'Oreal also has a history of selling Episkin to other cosmetic and pharmacology companies. The company won’t disclose the going rate, but in 2011 told Bloomberg it sold half-centimeter-wide samples for €55 each (about $78 each at the time). That said, Guive Balooch, who runs L’Oreal’s in-house tech incubator, says the bioprinting will be done primarily for research purposes.

The French cosmetics giant has partnered bioprinting startup Organovo to figure out how to 3D print living, breathing derma that can be used to test products for toxicity and efficacy.
“We’re the first beauty company Organovo has worked with,” says Guive Balooch, global vice president of L’Oreal’s tech incubator.
The firm is already growing more than 100,000 skin samples annually, but under the current method, skin samples are grown from tissues donated by plastic surgery patients in France are then cut into thin slices and broken down into cells.
With San Diego-based Organovo’s help, L’Oreal aims to speed up and automate skin production within the next five years.
Research for the project will take place in Organovo’s labs and L’Oreal’s new California research center. L’Oreal will provide skin expertise and all the initial funding, while Organovo, which is already working with such companies as Merck to print liver and kidney tissues, will provide the technology.
Organovo has already made headlines with claims that it can 3D-print a human liver but this is its first tie-up with the cosmetics industry.
Its statement explaining the advantage of printing skin, offered little detail: “Our partnership will not only bring about new advanced in vitro methods for evaluating product safety and performance, but the potential for where this new field of technology and research can take us is boundless.”
It also gave no timeframe for when printed samples would be available, saying it was in “early stage research”.
However, printed skin has more value in a medical scenario, potentially creating stores of spare skins for burn victims.

3D printing and the future of burn treatment

  • Dr. Marc Jeschke, the head of one of Canada's largest burn treatment centers, had to admit the 3D skin printer in his hands didn't look revolutionary."I actually find it kind of fish-tanky," he told CBS News, laughing. But this boxy prototype could change the way burns are treated, from current skin grafting methods Jeschke calls "barbaric" to a process his team believes will be faster, cheaper and easier on the patient, with an end result -- functional human skin -- promising to be just like the real thing.

    "It's cutting edge," said Jeschke, the director of Ross Tilley Burn Centre at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, whose team developed the process and printer in collaboration with researchers from the University of Toronto. "We can mimic how your skin looks. And that's the evolvement, that's something new, that's something novel."
    To begin the process of creating new human skin on the printer, Jeschke explained that healthy skin cells are first harvested from the burn patient, then analyzed and multiplied in the lab.

    "We grow these cells in various containers and make them exactly into the cell type that we want," said Jeschke. Then, "the printer tells the cells where to go."
    It does so via a cartridge, which weaves the cells together with a gel-like matrix serving as the skin's 3D scaffolding. The cellular tapestry that emerges from the cartridge floats through the printer's reservoir and gathers around a rotating drum. The strips are then collected and cultured.

    "You basically imprint your various cells into this three-dimensional matrix that comes out and it's basically ready to be put on the patient," said Jeschke.
    The printer is still in preclinical trials, but Jeschke's team said they hope to move to human trials within two years, and if those go well, printers like these could be in hospitals and helping burn patients within five years.
    But to get there, Jeschke said the project will need more funding. In September, members of the team were selected as the Canadian winners of the 2014 James Dyson Award, a prestigious international engineering prize that comes with cash, but only a fraction of what it will cost to get the project across the finish line.
    And there are other questions that still need to be answered.
    Growing enough cells remains a challenge. "That's the current issue, which is how to get cells to magnify, multiply and grow in a speed that's beyond what they normally do," Jeschke said.

    Should they succeed, they'll help change a process Jeschke said is in dire need of an upgrade. Current skin grafts for burn victims require removing a healthy section of a patient's skin to cover their wound, essentially creating a second wound in the process. The greater percentage of the body that's burned, the more skin that's needed -- and the less that's available. Skin removed for these grafts can be expanded, but not by much.
    "Your donor site, once you take the skin, of course has to heal," explained Jeschke. "So a patient with 40 percent burn or 50 percent burn is usually in a hospital about 80 to 100 days."
    With their printer, Jeschke and his team think they can cut that recovery time down significantly. And while other methods can leave patients with skin that doesn't match their natural color, or lacks follicles or sweat glands, researchers on the project say their method will allow them to eventually add those complex layers of cells.

    "Someone will be able to take their own cells, and incorporate it into this printer and have skin graft printed that are made especially for them," said Lian Leng, a PhD student at the the University of Toronto's Department of Mechanical Engineering and one of the lead developers of the printer, commercially known as the PrintAlive Bioprinter.

    The printer could have a critical impact in underdeveloped countries, where even a small burn can be fatal. Researchers on the project plan to train doctors in Cambodia to grow cells and operate the printer themselves.
    Such a device could also provide critical support to soldiers burned on the battlefield. That's prompting the U.S. military to fund similar projects, like one at Wake Forest University in North Carolina.
    "You probably can reduce war fatalities significantly if you have an off-the-shelf skin product that can be put on," said Jeschke.
    Leng agreed with Jeschke's assessment of the printer's looks -- "It really is a mini version of a fish tank."

    It's a fish tank, though, that could eventually save lives.

PrintAlive Bioprinter- Toronto

 University of Toronto engineering students Arianna McAllister and Lian Leng took first prize in the Canadian leg of the 2014 James Dyson Awards program with their PrintAlive Bioprinter, receiving a $3,500 prize and the chance to compete internationally with teams from 18 countries for $50,000 more. The James Dyson Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to “encouraging young people” in the engineering and scientific fields, uses its annual award program to feature students’ “industrial or product designs that solve a problem.”

The problem addressed by the Toronto team is twofold: firstly, that severe burns often cause damage to both the epidermis and the dermis (the outer and inner skin layers, respectively), which contain different cells and cell structures and therefore require specialized treatments. In such cases, Leng tells CBC news, “It’s very difficult for the body to regenerate itself.” Being able to close these wounds quickly, she added, is paramount to preventing fatalities. The second issue the team tackled was the need to produce flexible, skin-like materials with 3D printers which would survive grafting procedures; conventional 3D printers, they found, work best with harder materials, and have been unable to structure usable skin grafts involving complex layering of different cells needing different environments.

With the help of Boyang Zhang, a recent PhD, Axel Guenther, an associate professor of mechanical and industrial engineering at the University of Toronto, and burn surgeon Dr. Marc Jeschke, the students worked to develop a new kind of printer cartridge. Their special cartridge contains “tiny channels filled with skin cells and the liquid environment they require.” Prior to printing, the epidermal and dermal cells, “along with their specialized liquid, are kept in two different channels,” the CBC explained. During printing, each layer of artificial skin is dispensed as a liquid into yet another liquid, which causes it to solidify into a gel. The two solidified layers are then printed together, one on top of the other, to generate a biodegradable dressing containing the skin cells needed to treat deep skin wounds.

To date, the team’s 3D-printed grafts of human skin have helped immune-compromised mice with wound healing. The team hopes to work with larger grafts in pigs soon, and to begin human clinical trials within two to three years. This summer, the US Army reported that its researchers would soon begin clinical trials to test its own skin-printing technology. It remains to be seen, however, whether or not this Canadian team will beat them to the punch.
University of Toronto

'Body on a chip' uses 3D printed organs to test vaccines

Miniature human organs developed with a modified 3D printer are being used to test new vaccines in a lab in the US.
The "body on a chip" project replicates human cells to print structures which mimic the functions of the heart, liver, lung and blood vessels.
The organs are then placed on a microchip and connected with a blood substitute, allowing scientists to closely monitor specific treatments.
The US Department of Defense has backed the new technology with $24m (£15m).
Bioprinting, a form of 3D printing which, in effect, creates human tissue, is not new. Nor is the idea of culturing 3D human tissue on a microchip.
 But the tests being carried out at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine in North Carolina are the first to combine several organs on the same device, which then model the human response to chemical toxins or biologic agents.

Printing organs

The modified 3D printers, developed at Wake Forest, print human cells in hydrogel-based scaffolds.
The lab-engineered organs are then placed on a 2in (5cm) chip and linked together with a circulating blood substitute, similar to the type used in trauma surgery.
The blood substitute keeps the cells alive and can be used to introduce chemical or biologic agents, as well as potential therapies, into the system.
Sensors which measure real-time temperature, oxygen levels, pH and other factors feed back information on how the organs react and - crucially - how they interact with each other.
Dr Anthony Atala, institute director at Wake Forest and lead investigator on the project, said the technology would be used both to "predict the effects of chemical and biologic agents and to test the effectiveness of potential treatments".

Printed house

Dr Atala, whose field is regenerative medicine, said the bioprinting technology was first used at Wake Forest for building tissues and organs for replacement in patients.
His team had managed to replicate flat organs, such as skin, tubular organs such as blood vessels, and even hollow non-tubular organs like the bladder and the stomach, which have more complex structures and functions.
But building solid organs like the heart and the liver is the hardest challenge yet.

It takes about 30 minutes just to print a miniature kidney or heart, which is the size of a small biscuit.
"There are so many cells per centimetre that making a big organ is quite complex," Dr Atala told the BBC.
But the bioprinting of full size solid organs might not be far away.

"We are working on creating solid organ implants," said Dr Atala.

Body on a Chip

Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine is leading a unique $24 million federally funded project to develop a "body on a chip" that will be used to model the body's response to harmful chemical and biological agents and develop potential treatments.
The project involves using human cells to create tiny organ-like structures that mimic the function of the heart, liver, lung and blood vessels. Placed on a 2-inch chip, these structures will be connected to a system of fluid channels and sensors to provide on-line monitoring of individual organs and the overall organ system.
The circulating blood substitute will keep the cells alive and can be used to introduce chemical or biologic agents, as well as potential therapies, into the system. Hollow channels will automatically guide the toxins or therapies that are being evaluated from one tissue to the next and sensors will measure real-time temperature, oxygen levels, PH and other factors.
While the idea of culturing 3-D human tissue on a chip is not new, this will be one of the first efforts to combine several organs in the same device to model the human response to chemical toxins or biologic agents.

 Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston – micro- and nanoscale bioengineering devices for controlling cellular behavior.
University of Michigan – microscale models of the body and biomolecular devices and technologies for high-throughput drug testing.
The U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center – chemical warfare agent research, development, engineering, and testing.
Morgan State University – laboratory testing of cell cultures to identify the ideal blood surrogate.
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health – toxicity testing and identification.

Engineering Muscle Implants

Laboratory-engineered skeletal muscle is a potential therapy for replacing diseased or damaged muscle tissue. We have developed a computer-controlled system to build properly organized muscle implants in the lab.
To do this, muscle cells are attached to strands of collagen, or connective tissue. They are then subjected to cyclic stretching ("exercise") in a bioreactor, which is a system designed to simulate the conditions of the human body. The pre-conditioning allows the cells to align in one direction, fuse to form muscle bundles. Once implanted, the implants have been shown to promote the repair of muscle damage and to build new muscle tissue.

In this video, the process is exaggerated for demonstration purposes. The process is actually much slower and involves less intense stretching.

Researchers Make Significant Progress in Engineering Digestive System Tissues


WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. – July 5, 2017 -- Researchers at Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine have reached important milestones in their quest to engineer replacement tissue in the lab to treat digestive system conditions – from infants born with too-short bowels to adults with inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer, or fecal incontinence.
Reporting today in Stem Cells Translational Medicine, the research team verified the effectiveness of lab-grown anal sphincters to treat a large animal model for fecal incontinence, an important step before advancing to studies in humans. And last month in Tissue Engineering, the team reported success implanting human-engineered intestines in rodents.
“Results from both projects are promising and exciting,” said Khalil N. Bitar, Ph.D., AGAF, senior researcher on the projects, and professor of regenerative medicine at the institute. “Our goal is to use a patient’s own cells to engineer replacement tissue in the lab for devastating conditions that affect the digestive system.”
Sphincter Project: The lab-engineered sphincters are designed to treat passive incontinence, the involuntary discharge of stool due to a weakened ring-like muscle known as the internal anal sphincter. The muscle can lose function due to age or can be damaged during child birth and certain types of surgery, such as cancer.
Current options to repair the internal anal sphincter include grafts of skeletal muscle, injectable silicone material or implantation of mechanical devices, all of which have high complication rates and limited success.
“The regenerative medicine approach has a promising potential for people affected by passive fecal incontinence,” said Bitar. “These patients face embarrassment, limited social activities leading to depression and, because they are reluctant to report their condition, they often suffer without help.”
Bitar’s team has been working to engineer replacement sphincters for more than 10 years. In 2011, the team was the first to report functional, lab-grown anal sphincters bioengineered from human cells that were implanted in immune-suppressed rodents. The current study involved 20 rabbits with fecal incontinence. Eight animals were treated with sphincters engineered from their own muscle and nerve cells, eight animals were not treated and four received a “sham” surgery.
The sphincters were engineered using small biopsies from the animals’ sphincter and intestinal tissue. From this tissue, smooth muscle and nerve cells were isolated and then multiplied in the lab. In a ring-shaped mold, the two types of cells were layered to build the sphincter. The entire process took about four to six weeks.
In the animals receiving the sphincters, fecal continence was restored throughout a three month follow-up period, compared to the other groups, which did not improve. Measurements of sphincter pressure and tone showed that the sphincters were viable and functional and maintained both the muscle and nerve components. Currently, longer follow up of the implanted sphincters is close to completion with good results.
Intestine Project: The intestine project is aimed at helping patients with intestinal failure, which is when the small intestine malfunctions or is too short to digest food and absorb nutrients essential to health. Patients must get nutrition through a catheter or needle. The condition has a variety of causes. Infants can be born with missing or dysfunctional small intestines. In adults, surgery to remove sections of intestine due to cancer or other disease can result in a too-short bowel. Intestinal transplant is an option, but donor tissue is in short supply and the procedure has high mortality rates.
“A major challenge in building replacement intestine tissue in the lab is that it is the combination of smooth muscle and nerve cells in gut tissue that moves digested food material through the gastrointestinal tract,” said Bitar.

Through much trial and effort, his team has learned to use the two cell types to create “sheets” of muscle pre-wired with nerves. The sheets are then wrapped around tubular molds made of chitosan, a natural material derived from shrimp shells. The material is already approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for certain applications.
In the current study, the tubular structures were implanted in rats in two phases. In phase one, the tubes were implanted in the omentum, which is fatty tissue in the lower abdomen, for four weeks. Rich in oxygen, this tissue promoted the formation of blood vessels to the tubes. During this phase, the muscle cells began releasing materials that would eventually replace the scaffold as it degraded.
For phase two, the bioengineered tubular intestines were connected to the animals’ intestines, similar to an intestine transplant. During this six-week phase, the tubes developed a cellular lining as the body’s epithelial cells migrated to the area. The rats gained weight and studies showed that the replacement intestine was healthy in color and contained digested food.
The researchers are excited by the results and their next step is to test the structures in larger animals.
“Our results suggest that engineered human intestine could provide a viable treatment to lengthen the gut for patients with gastrointestinal disorders, or patients who lose parts of their intestines due to cancer,” said Bitar.

Financial support for the biosphincter project included the U.S. Armed Forces, the National Institutes of Health under the Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (W81XWH-13-2-0052) and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (R01DK071614 and R42DK105593 to CELLF BIO LLC). Support for the intestine project came from Wake Forest School of Medicine.
Co-researchers for the biosphincter project were: co-lead authors Jaime L. Bohl, M.D., and Elie Zakhem, Ph.D., Wake Forest Baptist. Researchers for the intestine project were: Elie Zakhem, Ph.D., lead author, Riccardo Tamburrini, M.D., Giuseppe Orlando, M.D., Ph.D., and Kenneth Koch, M.D., Wake Forest Baptist.

Printing Skin Cells on Burn Wounds

Skin is the body's largest organ. Loss of the skin barrier results in fluid and heat loss and the risk of infection. The traditional treatment for deep burns is to cover them with healthy skin harvested from another part of the body. But in cases of extensive burns, there often isn't enough healthy skin to harvest.
During phase I of AFIRM, WFIRM scientists designed, built and tested a printer designed to print skin cells onto burn wounds. The "ink" is actually different kinds of skin cells. A scanner is used to determine wound size and depth. Different kinds of skin cells are found at different depths. This data guides the printer as it applies layers of the correct type of cells to cover the wound. You only need a patch of skin one-tenth the size of the burn to grow enough skin cells for skin printing.
During Phase II of AFIRM, the WFIRM team will explore whether a type of stem cell found in amniotic fluid and placenta (afterbirth) is effective at healing wounds. The goal of the project is to bring the technology to soldiers who need it within the next 5 years.

3-D Printing for Head and Face Injuries


 Craniofacial trauma is among the most debilitating forms of injury because of the important functional and aesthetic roles of the face and skull. Blast injuries and injuries from high velocity projectiles are difficult to repair with current methods and there is a need for novel approaches to generate replacement tissues such as bone, nerve, blood vessels, fat, and muscle. During Phase II of AFIRM, the WFIRM team will explore printing these complex tissue components for facial and skull reconstruction using a 3-D printer.


Oxygen-Generating Materials

When tissues in the body are deprived of oxygen, the irreversible process of tissue death begins. For military personnel, this can occur when blast injuries damage blood vessels and interrupt the blood supply to the arms or legs. But what if there was a way to temporarily provide oxygen to muscle tissue and keep it alive?
Institute scientists are using safe, natural chemicals that generate oxygen in a variety of projects - from a treatment to promote limb salvage to incorporating the particles into organ scaffolds. With limb salvage, the particles, in the form of an injectable gel, could potentially slow muscle death until a surgeon could operate and restore the blood supply.  The goal is to develop a treatment that medics could carry with them - as a way to buy time and provide a temporary burst of oxygen until a patient could get medical treatment.


3D Printing Skin Is Real: Here's What You Need to Know

A bioprinter is essentially like a 3D printer…for the body. 3D printers have already made waves in the beauty industry, where companies like Mink now allow you to create makeup products in any shade you dream up. Even Smashbox offered 3D-printed lipsticks last year. Now, the recent study in IOPscience journal takes this technology to a new level: The bioprinter combines bioinks to create skin. The bioinks don't contain any "ink" at all. Instead, they're the cellular components of skin, like human plasma, primary human fibroblasts, and keratinocytes. In the same way that cartridges and ink work together to imprint images onto paper, the bioinks are mixed in a way that results in human skin.

 So far, this technology can create two types of skin tissue. The first is just regular skin. This is formed using a stock of generic human cells printed on a mass scale and could be used for, say, testing new beauty products, which could make testing on animals obsolete. The other type of skin tissue is developed with an individual’s own cells, and it would be used therapeutically and in special cases, like as a graft for severe burns or skin conditions. "The outer skin layer provides a protective barrier for our bodies against the environment," explains Joshua Zeichner, dermatologist and director of cosmetic & clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. When that outer skin layer is either gone or not functioning properly, you’re at risk for infection and inflammation. Enter the new, lab-made skin. And, if you’re wondering if there’s potential for this synthetic skin to slow signs of aging, the answer is probably. “While the new technology will initially be applied to chronic wounds and burns, it likely will have cosmetic applications in the future in addressing aging skin,” says Zeichner.

 What’s especially promising about this isn’t the skin itself, since lab-made human skin isn’t exactly new. (We’re learning so much today!) But it usually takes around three weeks to create enough skin to cover a large wound. The bioprinter, on the other hand, makes it happen in just 35 minutes—with no sacrifice in quality. "The generated skin was very similar to human skin and, furthermore, it was indistinguishable from bilayered dermo-epidermal equivalents, handmade in our laboratories," the authors noted in the article, which is a fancy way of saying it's just as good as any other skin graft materials they'd been using in the past.European regulatory agencies are currently testing it to see how safe it is for burn patients. If it’s a success, the technology could eventually be used to create more than just skin—think organs and other tissues. (Talk about groundbreaking.) In the meantime, we’ll just be here, doing our best to care for the skin we do have—for now.

3-D bioprinter to print human skin

Scientists from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), CIEMAT (Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research), Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, in collaboration with the firm BioDan Group, have presented a prototype for a 3D bioprinter that can create totally functional human skin. This skin is adequate for transplanting to patients or for use in research or the testing of cosmetic, chemical, and pharmaceutical products.

This research has recently been published in the electronic version of the scientific journal Biofabrication. In this article, the team of researchers has demonstrated, for the first time, that, using the new 3D printing technology, it is possible to produce proper human skin. One of the authors, José Luis Jorcano, professor in UC3M's department of Bioengineering and Aerospace Engineering and head of the Mixed Unit CIEMAT/UC3M in Biomedical Engineering, points out that this skin "can be transplanted to patients or used in business settings to test chemical products, cosmetics or pharmaceutical products in quantities and with timetables and prices that are compatible with these uses."
This new human skin is one of the first living human organs created using bioprinting to be introduced to the marketplace. It replicates the natural structure of the skin, with a first external layer, the epidermis with its stratum corneum, which acts as protection against the external environment, together with another thicker, deeper layer, the dermis. This last layer consists of fibroblasts that produce collagen, the protein that gives elasticity and mechanical strength to the skin.

Bioinks are key to 3D bioprinting, according to the experts. When creating skin, instead of cartridges and colored inks, injectors with biological components are used. In the words of Juan Francisco del Cañizo, of the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón and Universidad Complutense de Madrid researcher. "Knowing how to mix the biological components, in what conditions to work with them so that the cells don't deteriorate, and how to correctly deposit the product is critical to the system." The act of depositing these bioinks, which are patented by CIEMAT and licensed by the BioDan Group, is controlled by a computer, which deposits them on a print bed in an orderly manner to then produce the skin.
The process for producing these tissues can be carried out in two ways: to produce allogeneic skin, from a stock of cells, done on a large scale, for industrial processes; and to create autologous skin, which is made case by case from the patient's own cells, for therapeutic use, such as in the treatment of severe burns. "We use only human cells and components to produce skin that is bioactive and can generate its own human collagen, thereby avoiding the use of the animal collagen that is found in other methods," they note. And that is not the end of the story, because they are also researching ways to print other human tissues.

There are several advantages to this new technology. "This method of bioprinting allows skin to be generated in a standardized, automated way, and the process is less expensive than manual production," points out Alfredo Brisac, CEO of BioDan Group, the Spanish bioengineering firm specializing in regenerative medicine that is collaborating on this research and commercializing this technology.
Currently, this development is in the phase of being approved by different European regulatory agencies to guarantee that the skin that is produced is adequate for use in transplants on burn patients and those with other skin problems. In addition, these tissues can be used to test pharmaceutical products, as well as cosmetics and consumer chemical products where current regulations require testing that does not use animals

Journal Reference:
  1. Nieves Cubo, Marta Garcia, Juan F del Cañizo, Diego Velasco, Jose L Jorcano. 3D bioprinting of functional human skin: production and in vivo analysis. Biofabrication, 2016; 9 (1): 015006 DOI: 10.1088/1758-5090/9/1/015006